Giant gold genitals erected at Buddhist temple to honor ‘origin of life’

It’s where devotees can meet their babymaker.

The Bible’s golden calf has nothing on Buddhism’s golden vagina.

Thai Buddhists took golden idle worship to another level after praying at the altar of a giant gilded vagina, which was recently greenlit by authorities following some minor alterations.

“We do ceremonies here to provide remedies for misfortunes,” creator Naowaratkotchaporn Simethawong told Viral Press of the unorthodox hole-y site at a Buddhist shrine in the Nakhon Ratchasima province.

The cultist, Buddhist nun, affectionately known as Mother Brahmin, built the salacious statue so women could increase their fertility and “fortune,” as well as atone for “sinful” acts such as abortion.

Accompanying footage shows the 4-foot tall golden vagina, which is anatomically sound and ringed by eight smaller vulvas.

Meanwhile, guarding the fertility sculpture is a hydra-esque stone snake with seven heads that sits under a nearby mango tree as a sacred prophylactic.

If that wasn’t auspicious enough, worshippers also erected a matching golden penis encircled by eight smaller phalluses to complement the gilded vagina idol.

The nether-regional place of worship has soared in popularity with devout followers making pilgrimages from all over to pray for luck, fecundity, beauty and help finding Mr. Right.

“I believe that we should pay respect to the genitals because they represent the origin of life and abundance in the world,” declared Mother Brahmin. “It is not strange or unusual.”

Despite the “fortune” vagina’s alleged normalcy, Brahmin had to get the saucy statue approved by authorities, who inspected it May 22 to make sure it didn’t commit any religious taboos in the predominantly Buddhist county.

“We want to ensure the shrine complies with the moral standards,” declared local council chief Kanatchon Sijaroen, who helmed the examinations. “We ordered them to remove signs that might be vulgar.”

He added that they also had to move a large Buddhist statue that was between the penis and vagina sculptures because it was disrespectful to have it so close to “genitalia.”

“I am willing to cooperate with the government to address any concerns,” declared Mother Brahmin.

Following the vetting process, authorities allowed this salacious circle of life to operate sans interference.