Elephants Wow Spectators with Giant Pumpkin Smashing and Snacking

In a scene reminiscent of the Halloween classic ‘Monster Mash,’ a family of elephants recently thrilled onlookers by stomping on and devouring over 1,200 pounds of pumpkins. But did you know the typical weight of an elephant? 

Thanks to the efforts of growers Larry Nelson and Jim Paino, the eagerly awaited annual event known as the ‘Squishing of the Squash’ unfolded once again, delighting the elephant herd.

An elephant can crush a pumpkin under its immense weight with a single step.

The video of the event starts with four massive pumpkins in the yard. By the end, only two elephants had completely destroyed them, leaving no pumpkin intact.

Elephants, the largest terrestrial animals on Earth, include three species: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant.

Their trunks serve various roles, including breathing, drinking, grasping, and, in this case, indulging in a pumpkin feast.

Weighing between 6,000 and 13,000 pounds, these majestic creatures impress with their skillful pumpkin-smashing abilities.

While many enjoy carving pumpkins into Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween, these elephants prefer to crush them and enjoy the tasty treat inside.

The audience was treated to a spectacular sight as these majestic animals effortlessly demolished the pumpkins, delivering an unforgettable performance.