Dog With Deep Bite Wounds From Head To Tail Shows Up At Full Capacity Hospital

Like many rescues across the world, the Wright-Way Rescue group believes people can save lives by adopting pets in need.

The Morton Grove, Illinois facility sees their fair share of terrible abuse and neglect cases, but their hearts sunk when an emergency case came through their doors recently.

A sweet dog they named Claude arrived at Wright-Way in critical condition. He was dehydrated and had severe cuts and bite wounds covering most of his beaten body.

Although the facility was completely full and at its maximum occupancy of intakes, they couldn’t say no to the good Samaritan who reached out to them for help.

They know Claude has a rough road ahead if he pulls through these initial days, so they said yes, admitted him, and began treatment immediately. Claude went right into surgery where he required 50 stitches.

No matter where they looked on Claude’s body, he had deep wounds from head to tail. Some of the wounds had dead or dying tissue surrounding them, so they were debrided and cleaned.

They placed drainage tubes on both sides of his head because his abscesses need to drain and heal.

Beyond that, while anesthetized, Claude was given a medicated bath and gentle hydrotherapy to help his wounds start to heal.

“Today was the first step in a long journey to recovery,” Wright-Way Rescue Admission & Medical Services Campus wrote on Facebook.

We wish Claude all the best in his recovery and thank the kind person who got him help and everyone at the rescue center for saving the dog’s life.

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