Police Find Box Of 9 Kittens Set On Fire & Rush To Free Them From Torture

When the Polk County Sheriff’s deputies were summoned to investigate a fire in Des Moines, Iowa, they discovered a box ablaze. On closer inspection, the officers could not believe their eyes.

Inside the fiery box were nine kittens. They immediately extinguished the fire and took the kittens for immediate care.

Seven of the tiny felines have singed fur but two others have burns over most of their bodies.

Animal Rescue League of Iowa spokesperson, Stephanie Filer, shared, “While their injuries are severe, their prognosis is hopeful and the ARL will continue to keep their welfare the number one priority in all decisions made regarding their care and treatment.”

At the present time, the female and male feline victims are receiving intensive medical care including pain medications, antibiotics, burn cream, and eye medication to help their pain and treat their burns.

Named Greta and Hans, they will remain with ARL under the care of three veterinarians on staff.

In a recent update on the sweet duo, ARL shared on Facebook, “We don’t know yet if they will need additional surgeries or procedures as they recover, but we do know that with your support, they will never again experience the horror they endured.”

Thank you to everyone who stepped up to help save these innocent 4-week-old babies.’

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